Bosbros asked me to make a leader for ‘Vrolijke Kerst‘. Vrolijke Kerst (Happy Christmas) is a Dutch series about The Merry’s, a superrich family. They are severely hit by the economical crisis and are forced to leave their luxurious villa. They end up in a deserted office building together with other squatters on the fringes of the city. The inhabitants of this building teach the family Merry that money does not make you happy in the end, but real contact and family warmth does.

Client: BosBros / VPRO / Zapp
Concept & Animation: Balder Westein
Direction: Anna van der Heide
DOP: Bert Pot
Edit: Michiel Reichwein
Music: Fons Merkies
Sound Design: Jan Willem van den Brink
Grading: De Lodge