Knofje (Huggleboo in English) is a contemporary, colourful animated children’s series for children aged 4-7 years, about the four-and-a-half-year-old, quirky girl Huggleboo. She experiences her own little adventures in and around the house, where this red-haired toddler lives with her mom, dad and her new baby sister Elisabeth. Together with her doll Flut, Huggleboo goes on her own adventures, which seem to be quite ordinary, but to her very special.
Founding Father: Burny Bos
Writers: Burny Bos, Tamara Bos, Ilka de Bisschop, Tingue Dongelmans, Denise Rebergen
Direction: Anneke de Graaf
Animation Direction: Marieke van Middelkoop
Art Direction: Balder Westein
Graphic Design: Nadia Meezen, Jori van Boxtel
Music: Mike Boddé, Johan Hoogeboom
Mix: Sound Adventure
Animation: Dick Grinwis, Jonathan de Mulder, Pepijn Claus, Lucie van den Driessche
Production Company: BosBros, Submarine
Co Producers: Walking The Dog, Traumhaus Studios, KRO-NCRV, Ketnet
Producers Submarine: Bruno Felix, Janneke van de Kerkhof
Producers Bosbros: Jolande Junte
Coordinating Producer: Bart Maalderink
Thank you all so much for putting so much effort in making such a nice looking series.
Knofje: Lonneke Oostwoud Wijdenes, Esmee Verhoog (stem)
Mother: Yvon jaspers
Father: Rein Hofman
Zizou: Jeremiah Felies, Luc Plaizer (stem)
Mother Zizou: Aisa Winter
Grandma: Leny Breederveld
Grandpa: Kees Hulst
Mr Three Minutes: Paul Kooij
Production Company: BosBros, Submarine
Co Producers: Walking The Dog, Traumhaus Studios, KRO-NCRV, Ketnet